Why did you become a seminarian? I decided to surrender my will to the Lord and follow Him wherever He might lead me. Prayer and reflection led me to believe the priesthood is the path God is calling me to follow. I simply decided to say yes to the Lord's call.
Who is your favorite saint, and why? My favorite Saint is St. Peter. His redemption from traitor to vicar of Christ reminds me that it is never too late to repent from sin and return to the Lord. St. Peter's transformation from fearful man to leader of Christ's Church demonstrates how no matter how broken we are, God can redeem anyone who is willing to cooperate with His grace. St. Peter reminds us that no sin is greater than the Lord's mercy.
What are some of your favorite hobbies? I like reading, playing sports, playing video games, and learning languages.
What advice would you give to someone discerning the priesthood? Be not afraid. The Lord has a plan for everyone. All we have to do is have the courage to accept it. God will guide you down the path He prepared for you. All that's left for you to do is humbly follow Him.