The United
States Conference of Catholic Bishops have as a priority in their Strategic Plan for 2017-2020 the
V Encuentro of Hispanic Ministry. The V Encuentro promises to be another watershed experience that provides the Church the clarity, enthusiasm and means it needs to more adequately respond to the Hispanic/Latino presence in the Spirit of the New Evangelization.
What is the V Encuentro?
The V
Encuentro is a process of ecclesial reflection and action that invites all Catholics in the United States to intense missionary activity, consultation, leadership development, and identification of best ministerial practices in the spirit of the New Evangelization.
Why do we need a V Encuentro?
Hispanics/Latinos are the emerging majority; Hispanics constitute about 60% of all Catholics under 18 in the United States; to reach over a million Hispanic/Latino Catholics through a process of the new evangelization and missionary discipleship; to foster the development of at least 20,000 interculturally competent Hispanic/Latino leaders; to expand the space for growth of leadership inclusion and ministerial responsiveness in parishes, dioceses, schools, and Catholic institutions; to engage the largest segment of the Hispanic/Latino presence: second and third generation young people; to strengthen the Catholic identity of Hispanic/Latino families and their missionary discipleship; to invite all Catholics to live the Catholic Social Teachings with a prophetic voice and empower them to address their own human development.
The V Encuentro Goal: Is to discern ways in which the Church in the United States can better respond to the Hispanic/Latino presence, and to strengthen the ways in which Hispanics/Latinos respond to the call to the New Evangelization as missionary disciples serving the entire church.
V Encuentro Objectives: Call all Catholics in the United States to become authentic and joyful missionary disciples that give witness to God’s Love with a prophetic voice in a culturally diverse Church; provide a renewed ecclesial vision that develops effective pathways to invite, engage and form Hispanic Catholic youth, young adults, and families to live out their baptismal vocation; invite all Catholic leaders to engage and accompany Hispanic Catholics who find themselves in the peripheries of the Church and society, particularly those who live in at-risk situations and are not actively involved in their faith community; identify and promote opportunities for Hispanic Catholic pastoral leaders to serve at all ministerial levels of the Church and the larger society, and increase the number of protagonists in the New Evangelization; stimulate a new wave of faith formation and leadership development initiatives that prepare Hispanic Catholics to share and celebrate the Good News of Jesus Christ and to become leaven for the Reign of God in society.
The V Encuentro is a privileged opportunity to prepare missionary disciples ready to serve the entire Church, and for the Church to better recognize and receive the gifts that Hispanics/Latinos are to the Church and society of the United States.
Visit the national website of V Encuentro at for more information.
To see the proceedings and conclusions,
click here.