Being Made New in God’s Redeeming Love
Heart of Christ, renew Your priests in Your love.
Help them to devote themselves more deeply
to building up Your Body the Church,
so that we may all become one in Your life and love.
Let Your Holy Spirit rekindle the “fire of your love” within our priests.
Help them to “set the world on fire”
through the faithful practice of their priestly ministry.
May we support and encourage our priests with our prayer
as they strive to be good, holy, compassionate and inspiring pastors
for us who are entrusted to their care.
May we grow to be faithful and joyful witnesses
to Your presence in our world.
With your Word of blessing,
help all our families to encourage each other
to respond to Your invitation to “Follow Me” in our unique vocations.
Help many more young men respond to Your call
to serve Your Church in priestly ministry for our diocese.
Loving and merciful God,
since the beginning of time, You have been “making all things new.”
Call our world back to You. Deepen our faith. Renew our priests.
And guide our entire diocese, priests and people,
through this life, and into the everlasting life of heaven.
May we proclaim with all our hearts: “You are my Lord and my God,”
as You renew us in Your life-giving love, now and forever.