Jubilee Year of the Holy Spirit Gift and Fruit for October
The month of October focuses on the gift of Understanding and the fruit of Peace. The bishop asks all to use the prayer of the month found on the diocesan website, www.diokzoo.org/holy-spirit under October Resources to activate this gift in our lives and increase this fruit within us.
Parish and Family Cenacle for the Year of the Holy Spirit
If you haven’t already done so, please participate in your parish cenacle or do so in your own families. The prayer format for a parish or family cenacle can be found under the monthly resources. The success of this Jubilee Year will greatly depend on your prayer!
Bishop’s Pastoral Letter for the Jubilee Year of the Holy Spirit
Bishop Bradley has posted a video and written a pastoral letter outlining the purpose and goals of this Jubilee Year of the Holy Spirit. Please read and reflect regularly on the Bishop’s Pastoral Letter. Please also pray daily the Prayer to the Holy Spirit and read and reflect upon it regularly.
The can be found on the diocesan website at diokzoo.org/holy-spirit.
That the Holy Spirit will enkindle within our hearts the fervency of faith which will bring us the courage to witness to those around us, and especially in this month of October to increase within us the fruit of peace and the gift of understanding. We pray to the Lord…
That the Holy Spirit will enlighten us as to how we can best use our gifts and talents to minster to those in need around us. We pray to the Lord…
Heavenly Father, you have given your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, reign over your Kingdom. Through his intercession you have sent forth your Spirit through Mary and the Apostles to begin the work of your Church and to renew the face of the earth. Through that same Spirit, we ask you to renew the Church throughout the world, but especially in our own diocese of Kalamazoo. In this month, we especially call to mind and ask you to bear and increase within us the fruit of peace and activate within us the gift of understanding that we may more deeply understand the mysteries of your Kingdom, and your will for our lives that we more effectively and fruitfully bring the Good News of your love, mercy, and forgiveness to all whom we meet. We ask this through the same Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
October 10, 2021 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Link to 28th Sunday Readings
Focus on Fruit of Peace
Kerygmatic preaching:
“They were exceedingly astonished, and said among themselves, ‘Then who can be saved?’ Jesus looked at them and said, for human beings, it is impossible, but all things are possible with God” (Translation note: Most English translations translate the Greek word “para” as “with” not “for”. This is important because obviously all things are possible for God, but the context is that Jesus, realizing the alarm and discouragement of his disciples, seeks to console and encourage them. He counsels them in frank terms to rely completely on God. This is a soteriological statement: limited and fallen man cannot save himself. The atonement of human sin and reconciliation of the human creation with his Creator can only be accomplished by his Creator, specifically in Christ Jesus who is both fully God and fully man). When we think we can run our lives without God, we delude ourselves into thinking we’re fine. Little by little our life unravels. Often, it happens by such subtle degrees we are not even aware things are falling apart. Our emptiness and lack of peace increases so slowly we grow accustomed to it and consider it “just the way life is”. Jesus’ counsel is that when we fully rely on and trust in him, it is then that we will have the interior peace and joy God promises—in spite of every possible adversity.
Three Main Points
Saint of the Month exemplifying the fruit of Peace: Saint Francis of Assisi
Video for Adult Catholics here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRfYVUdry40
Children’s Video here: St. Francis of Assisi
Saint of the Month exemplifying the gift of Understanding: Saint Therese of Lisieux
Children’s Video here: St. Therese of Lisieux
Catechists, Religion Teachers and Parents:
Pre-K and K:
Grades 1-3:
Grades 4-12:
In your discussion, point out that God was patient, and he provided a huge, obvious sign—the Ark—as a warning against their disobedience giving them ample time to repent, which the people refused to believe or heed. If they had, the story of Jonah and Nineveh in the book of Jonah assures us that God would not have sent the flood. While the punishment of the flood seems harsh on the surface, one must ponder how those who want to live in peace and God’s friendship can do so, when they are constantly threatened by those who refuse to? This story is a prefigurement or type, that lays out for us the conditions necessary to live in eternal peace with God or eternal punishment separated from God. It is also a story of salvation---God’s saving action from those who would do harm to those who desire to do his will.
Also explain that the natural human consequence of sin and disobedience to God’s law and commandments and life without Him bring chaos, fighting, unrest, conflict, war, and evil within our families, our communities, and upon all of humanity, but obedience to God’s law and trust in Him brings us peace in our hearts, and harmony in our family and community. Jesus is the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) who gives us peace (John 14:27). Explain that peace is difficult to achieve because, sadly, many people don’t even believe that God exists, let alone trust him enough to bring us peace, and so they miss out on his very real Divine Love and Mercy which we can perceive in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. Jesus said, “I am the way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but through me” (John 14:6). Interior peace as Jesus gives it, is not possible without Him. Thus, it is the failure of faith that brings about the lack of peace in our hearts, that translates into unrest and conflict, which then brings about hatred, violence, and war.
The solution is trust in Jesus Christ and bringing others to him, establishing a loving relationship with him which occurs through prayer, being obedient to his commandments, participating in the sacraments, especially weekly Mass and confession which he gave us to cleanse our hearts and souls, trusting in his Divine Love and Mercy, and giving ourselves completely to Him. It is our job to bring Christ to others in every way we can. We can do this most easily, by being kind to others, greeting them, helping them when they are in need, etc. Doing these things, will bring peace in our hearts so that no matter how the devil tries to disturb our peace through events happening around us, the constant exercise of our wills trusting in God will keep us in peace.
Adult Reflection:
Regardless of how familiar you are with the story of Noah’s Ark, re-read it asking the Holy Spirit for greater insight and understanding. For the full story, read Gen 6:5-22; 7:1-24; 8:1-22; and 9:1-17. For a condensed version, read Gen 6:5-14,16-22; 7:1,4-5, 10-12,17-24; 8:1-17; 9:1; 8-17.
Grades Pre-K- & K
From here forward for this grade level, we will watch one video until complete entitled, All About Jesus – Bible for Kids, the video should be watched in the assigned segments. Each segment starts with a recommended reading from the Bible that the segment will cover. However, the video covers that segment of the Bible, so if your child appears to lose interest in the reading (which is likely as the material will likely be greater than their understanding at this point) just watch the video segment. The video will not necessarily align with the month’s Gift of the Spirit. The goal for the child will be to come to a greater understanding of who God is, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This video focuses on Jesus, but where the video touches on the action of the Holy Spirit and the relationship of Jesus with his Father, be sure to point out how the Holy Spirit acted in each situation, and Jesus’ trust in his Father.
Grades 1-3
Read to, or have your child(ren)/students read, the first reading and the Gospel for the 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year B). The Gospel is from Mark 12:28-34 which is the Gospel for October 31, 2021. The first reading is Deuteronomy 6:2-6. Then discuss with them the following:
For Adults
St. Therese of Lisieux, France, was given the title, “Doctor of the Church” and is one of only four women so titled. A “Doctor of the Church” is a person of great understanding in matters of faith and the spirituality of God’s Divine love. Since the Gift of the Spirit of the month is understanding, we will use St. Therese of Lisieux’s “Little Way” to Heaven. St. Therese of Lisieux is also known as “The Little Flower”, or “St. Therese of the Child Jesus”. She is not to be confused with St. Teresa of Avila who is from Spain.
The following series of four video talks was given by Fr. Terrance Chartier FFI (Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate) at a retreat for women in Bloomington, IN, Feb 7-9, 2020. If you are able to, set some time aside and use the following four videos as a mini-retreat. The first video is about a little over an hour. The other three are approximately 45 mins each. They should be viewed in order.
Video #1: 3 Stages of the Spiritual Life- #1 St. Therese's Little way
Video #2: 3 Stages of the Spiritual Life #2-St. Therese's Little Way
Video #3: 3 Stages of the Spiritual Life #3-St. Therese's Little Way
Video #4: 3 Stages of the Spiritual Life - #4/4 St. Therese's Little Way - Fr Terrance