Year of the Holy Spirit: Fruit of the Month: Kindness
During the month of December, our focus is on the Spirit’s Fruit of Kindness. In Ephesians 4, we read, “Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each another, just as in Christ God forgave you.” Kindness always requires an action. Christ’s kindness in the Gospels was born out of his love for souls. We often read, “He took pity on them” which was followed by some kind of action, be it physical and/or spiritual healing, feeding five thousand hungry people, or teaching them of God’s saving love. Kindness requires concrete action, which may be as simple as a greeting and a smile, or a prayer or a hug for someone who looks like they need it. May God help us see the opportunities around us each day do a kindness, and act upon it!
Year of the Holy Spirit: Gift of the Month: Knowledge
During the month of December, we ask the Holy Spirit to enkindle within us the gift of Knowledge. This gift enables us to know God, to know his heart, to hear his voice in our lives. It also puts in us a desire to want to know our Catholic faith more deeply as the faith that Christ instilled in the apostles. In understanding better his gifts of the Sacraments and how they draw us into the Divine Being as the precursor to our eternal life in Christ when He calls us from this life. Knowledge helps us replace the fear of death with the great love and mercy of Christ.
Heavenly Father, in this month of December, as we anticipate and prepare for the advent of your Son, we ask your Holy Spirit to especially increase within us the gift of knowledge and the fruit of kindness, that we may especially come of know the heart of Jesus Christ which burns for each of us personally. Grant that this knowledge helps us to “put on the mind of Christ” and moves us to works of mercy and acts of kindness in our daily encounters with others. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus, Christ your Son, who lives and reigns with you and your Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.
Saint of the Month Exemplifying the Fruit of Kindness: Saint Nicholas, Bishop of Myra
Video for Adult Catholics on the life of St. Nicholas here: St. Nicholas, The Real Story (Documentary on the Life of St. Nicholas)
Video for Children here: Saint Nicholas for Children (part 1) and Saint Nicholas for Children (Part 2)
Saint of the Month Exemplifying the Gift of Knowledge; Saint Ambrose Doctor of the Church
Video for Adult Catholics on the life of St. Ambrose here: Audio by Fr. Charles Connor on Saint Ambrose, Doctor of the Church
Video for Children on the life of St. Ambrose, Doctor of the Church: Saint Ambrose of Milan for Children
Pre-K and K Children’s Videos: Fruit of the Spirit for Children: Kindness
Grades 1-3 Children’s Video: Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness and here: Simple Acts of Kindness
Grades 4th-6th Video: Simple acts of Kindness (Pt 1); Simple Acts of Kindness Pt, 2
Grades 7th-9th Video: Kindness: The Secret Tool of Evangelization
Grades 10th-12th Video: Kindness: The Nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit: A Pentecost Novena w/ Bishop Boyea.
Video for Adults on the Gift of the Holy Spirit: Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness by Bishop Boyea
Video on Knowledge for Teens and Adults: Bishop Boyea on the Spiritual Gift of Knowledge
Pre-K & K
1st-3rd Grade
7th-9th Grade
Grades 10th-12th .