Bishop Bradley announced the Year of Priestly Spiritual Renewal and Prayer for vocations on September 8, 2022. As part of this he has asked for a Diocesan Synod on Priestly Life and Ministry.
We have now entered the Synodal Phase of the Synod. Priest, Deacon, Religious Sister, Lay Apostolate, and deanery lay representative delegates have been chosen and are gathering regularly to discuss the important issue of Priestly Life and Ministry. These delegates will start by discussing the Pre-Synodal Report, which synthesizes the information gathered during listening sessions and the online survey. As the meetings progress they will start to hone in more directly to specific statements and recommendations to give to the bishop creating a Synodal Resumé, and synodal report. Finally, a document of these recommendations will be approved by the delegates and given to the bishop for his prayerful consideration. This summer the bishop should be able to release his final document.
Important Dates
Next Up
The Diocesan Synod is Suspended
Due to the appointment of Bishop Lohse to the Diocese of Kalamazoo, the Diocese of Kalamazoo Synod on Priestly Life and Ministry was put on hold. Currently, Bishop Lohse is reviewing all the information that has been accumulated throughout the Synod process to date. He will then decide to either terminate the Synod, close the Synod and issue a final document or continue with the original process or in a different manner. Continue to check in here as this will be updated once the determination has been made.
What has Occured
Opening Mass March 8, 2023
6pm - 8pm
St. Augustine Cathedral
Mass with Light Reception to follow
What to Expect
Every Delegate will be in attendance. All of the faithful are invited to attend. At the Mass the delegates will take the Oath of Fidelity. The Oath is an important part of the Synodal Process as the delegates profess what they believe, and that they will stay true to the teachings of the Church as the enter into this phase to discuss the future of the Church here in South West Michigan.
Synodal Gathering For Lay and Deacon Delgatees
March 15, 2023
1pm - 7pm
What to Expect
Every lay and deacon delegate will be in attendance. At this gathering the initial questions that were formed by the bishop, after reading through the synthesis documents on the listening sessions, will be presented to the delegates. For this particular gathering the lay and deacon delegates will focus on discussing those questions that are more pertinent to the interaction of the priests and the lay faithful.
Synodal Gathering For Priest Delgatees
March 22, 2023
1pm - 7pm
What to Expect
Every priest delegate will be in attendance. At this gathering the initial questions that were formed by the bishop, after reading through the synthesis documents on the listening sessions, will be presented to the delegates. For this particular gathering the lay and deacon delegates will focus on discussing those questions that are more pertinent to the life of the priest.
Synodal Committees
What to Expect
Committees were formed from volunteer delegates. These committees met to go over the raw data from the Syondal Gatherings. They are putting together a list of statements, goals, solutions, and exhortations to be discussed at the Synod meetings.
Synodal Meeting For All Delgatees
April 26, 2023; May 3, 2023
1pm - 7pm
What to Expect
Every delegate will gather to discuss the work of the Committees. The Committees spent the last month preparing statements, goals, solutions, and exhortations. This is called the Synodal Resumé. The Résume will now be discussed, refined, and prepared for a final document of statements, goals, solutions, and exhorations to be voted on to advise the bishop.