Know that God loves you and the Church embraces you!
The moral teachings of the Church can often be seen as a burden.
However, Chirst said: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden light" (MT11:29-30)
When we take upon ourselves the yoke of Christ, He guides our way, He carries our burdens with us. All are called to the yoke of Christ, to pick up their cross and follow Him. the Courage Apostolate helps those with Same Sex Attractions to find Christ, and to take up His yoke.
5 Goals of COURAGE
1. Chastity
2. Prayer and Dedication
3. Fellowship
4. Support
5. Good Example/Role Model
If you are interested in taking time with others to further your relationship with Christ contact:
Visit Courage International website:
Desire of the Everlasting Hills: A documentary following three individuals and their journey with Same Sex Attraction and the Catholic Church
Link for the International COURAGE Conference for those with SSA. July 30-August 2, 2015
Diocese of Kalamazoo Brochure