The Commission for Lay Ecclesial Ministry Formation is an advisory body of laity from various parishes throughput the diocese. The primary purpose of the commission is to advise the Bishop and the Secretariat for Parish Life and Lay Leadership in the ongoing supervision of the Lay Ecclesial Ministry Institute. In addition, they provide advice regarding ongoing support for lay ecclesial ministers in the diocese. The term of membership is three years and renewable. The commission meets four times during the year.
In addition to the general qualities/characteristics listed above, those nominated to serve should:
Members whose terms expire November 15, 2018
Jason Aiello, Kalamazoo (Central Deanery)
Members whose terms expire November 17, 2017
Ana Teresa Bello, Battle Creek (Eastern Deanery)
Sheila Clearwater, Pullman (Northern Deanery)
Sylvia and John Dillon, Granger, IN (Southwest Deanery)
Members whose terms expire November 18, 2016
Sharon Eaton, Buchanan (Southwest Deanery)
Dr. Steven Carr, Plainwell (Central Deanery)
Diocesan Liason
Jamin Herold, Executive Director, Secretariat for Parish Life & Lay Leadership
2016: April 21, June 16, September 15, & November 17
2017: April 20, June 15, September 21, & November 16
2018: April 19, June 21, September 20, & November 15