What is at the root of this deepest desire to know your spouse? This deep desire, at its very root, is not simply about seeing another person more deeply but, ultimately, it is how we discover our Creator, for whom all of us long for the most. Find out how to enrich and strengthen marriages (yours included...)
(D.O.D.D.) is about strengthening marriages, and about becoming Marriage-Building parishes that provide marriage support and encouragement to all married couples. The title of the D.O.D.D. curriculum comes from St. Augustine who said, “The deepest desire of every human heart is to be seen and to see another in this same way.” This golden thread that runs throughout the program is the impetus that drives home the importance of strengthening our marital commitment to our spouse.This time is intended for married couples, parish staff, priests, deacons and wives, and all those who work with married couples.
COST: $30 per person or $50 per couple (both names of spouses required at time of registration) NOTE: materials and Saturday lunch included
QUESTIONS or PRIEST Registrations: Call Jane Bodway at 269-903-0147
Unit 1: Understanding (Friday Evening) 6pm – 9:30pm
Session 1) Intro to the Deepest Desire - The Purpose of Covenant and Marriage for this earthly journey
Session 2) Delving into Differences- The Challenges and Beauty of Our Differences
Session 3) The Deadly Divide - When Sinful Natures cause the Heart to Hide or Deceive
Session 4) The Heart of the Matter - Rediscovering your Spouse and getting back to the "Know"
Unit 2: Healing and Rebuilding (Saturday Morning) 8:30am – 12pm
Session 5) The Sacrifice for Love – Apologizing, Forgiveness and Letting go
Session 6) Finding Common Ground – Bridging the Differences
Session 7) Healing and Rebuilding Trust - How to Rebuild from any Damage done
Session 8) Recommitting to our Covenant – Strengthening the Promise We Made
Unit 3: Strengthening and Modeling (Saturday Afternoon) 1pm – 4:30pm
Session 9)Good Stewards of our Resources – Managing Our Time, Talent, & Treasure
Session 10)The “One-Flesh-Union” Gift – God’s Design for our Sexual Union
Session 11)Faith and Family – Staying United and Building a Strong Family Culture
Session 12)Our Plan for Daily Success – Building Mentorship and Ongoing Marriage Strengthening
DATE: June 3 - 4, 2016
LOCATION: Transformations Retreat Center (3427 Gull Road
Kalamazoo, MI 49048)
COST: $30 per person or $50 per couple (Both names are required: husband and wife)
NOTE: Ticket price includes materials and Saturday lunch
REGISTER via EVENTBRITE at: https://goo.gl/Ab1sY0
or REGISTRATION for PRIESTS: Call Jane Bodway at 269-903-0147
QUESTIONS: Call Jane Bodway at 269-903-0147