August 3, 2020 (Kalamazoo, Mich.): The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley has announced the following clergy appointments as well as the formation of a new Parish Collaborative. Changes are effective August 10, 2020 unless otherwise noted.
Special Assignment for Apostolate to those imprisoned Rev. Richard Altine has been appointed as Director of the Apostolate for the Imprisoned in the Diocese of Kalamazoo. Fr. Altine will remain a Priest in Residence at St. Mary Parish, Paw Paw, and continue to provide sacramental care and assistance as needed.
Chaplain: Rev. John Tran, Parochial Vicar of the Parish Collaborative of St. Charles Borromeo, Coldwater; St. Mary Assumption, Bronson; and Our Lady of Fatima, Union City, has been appointed Chaplain to Lakeland Hospital/Health Systems and other healthcare facilities in Berrien County. Fr. Tran will provide sacramental care and assistance as needed for St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph where he will also reside.
Senior Parochial Vicar: Rev. Alberto Bondy, a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit, has been appointed Senior Parochial Vicar of the Parish Collaborative of St. Charles Parish, Coldwater: St. Mary’s Assumption, Bronson; and Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Union City. Fr. Bondy will reside at St. Mary’s Assumption, Bronson.
Deacon Pastoral Assignments (assignments effective August 1, 2020):
Deacon John Bodway has retired as Administrator for St. Jude Parish, Gobles, in the Parish Collaborative with St. Mary Parish, Paw Paw. He remains an active Deacon and will receive a pastoral assignment in the coming weeks.
Deacon Jim Bauer has been appointed as Administrator for St. Jude Parish, Gobles. Deacon Bauer had been previously assigned to the Parish Collaborative of St. Margaret, Otsego, and Blessed Sacrament, Allegan.
Deacon Bart Connelly, Immaculate Conception Parish, Three Rivers, has retired from active ministry.
Deacon Dennis Cristofaro, (ordained for the Archdiocese of Chicago), has been assigned to the Parish Collaborative of Immaculate Conception, Three Rivers; St. Barbara, Colon; and St. Clare, Centreville.
Deacon James Kimmerly, (ordained for the Diocese of Lexington, Ky), has been assigned to the Collaborative of St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph; SS. John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor; and St. Joseph Parish, Watervliet.
Deacon Philip Sirk, has been assigned to the Collaborative of St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph; SS. John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor; and St. Joseph Parish, Watervliet. Deacon Sirk was previously assigned to the Parish Collaborative of Holy Maternity of Mary Parish, Dowagiac; Holy Family Parish, Decatur; and Sacred Heart of Mary, Silver Creek.
Deacon Fred Wall, (ordained for the Diocese of Allentown, Pa) has been appointed to the Parish Collaborative of St. Margaret, Otsego, and Blessed Sacrament, Allegan.
Parish Collaborative: St. Augustine Cathedral Parish, Kalamazoo, and St. Ambrose Parish, Parchment, have been joined to form a new Parish Collaborative.
Very Rev. Robert Creagan, V.F., has been appointed Canonical Pastor of the Collaborative.
Rev. Albert Kemboi remains Parochial Vicar for St. Ambrose Parish.
Msgr. Michael Hazard remains Chaplain to the Kalamazoo-area healthcare systems and a Priest in Residence at St. Ambrose.