Fr. David C. Adams* | St. Ann Parish, Augusta |
Earl & Angela Adamson* | St. Joseph Parish, Battle Creek |
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick & Nancy Almus* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Mr. & Mrs. Robert & Mary Ankenbauer* | St. Monica Parish, Kalamazoo |
Daniel and Sheena Backman* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bede* | St. Monica Parish, Kalamazoo |
John & Patricia Berninger* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
William & Diane Bogan* | St. Joseph Parish, Battle Creek |
Steven Borchert* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
George and Judy Bruzza* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Kathleen Bush* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Roselyn & Jerry Casey* | St. Monica Parish, Kalamazoo |
Mr. Ed and Dr. Colleen Carey* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
Mary Jane Doerr* | St. Joseph Parish, Kalamazoo |
Rev. Robert Creagan* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
In Memory of Bishop Paul V. Donovan* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Sir Michael R. Emmons* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
Tom & Ann Feldpausch* | St. Rose of Lima Parish, Hastings |
Mr. & Mrs. Norman & Nancy Fifelski | St. Stanislaus Parish, Dorr |
Rev. Charles Fischer* | Sacred Heart Parish, Bangor |
Fr. John D. Fleckenstein* | St. Philip Parish, Battle Creek |
Deacon & Mrs. M.C. Gallagher* | St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph |
Elizabeth & Michael Garey* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Joseph Gesmundo* | St. Ann Parish, Augusta |
Liz Gillis* | St. Philip Parish, Battle Creek |
Mr. & Mrs. Angus & Josephine Gillis* | St. Philip Parish, Battle Creek |
William & Marcia Grover* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Deacon David and Jane Guido* | St. Martin of Tours Parish, Vicksburg |
Tim & Sarah Harding* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
Very Rev. William J. Jacobs, Jr., V.F.* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Brian & Margaret Kaluzny* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
Charles & Barbara Kincaid* | St. Joseph Parish, Battle Creek |
Daniel & Dianne Litynski* | St. Thomas More Parish, Kalamazoo |
Bev A. & Jerry B. Love* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
Michael Mason and Delores Landeck* | St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph |
Robert J. McCarthy* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
John and Margaret Merrion* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
Pattricia E. Miller* | St. Joseph Parish, Battle Creek |
Bishop James A. Murray* | St. Monica Parish, Kalamazoo |
Fr. David Otto* | St. Mary Parish, Niles |
Peter & Jennifer Pontoni* | St. Joseph Parish, Battle Creek |
Arthur & Patricia Pula* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
Drs. Cynthia and Gary Ruoff* | St. Monica Parish, Kalamazoo |
Rev. Kenneth W. Schmidt* | St. Thomas More Parish, Kalamazoo |
Dave & Teri Scott | St. Mary Parish, Kalamazoo |
Michael & Maureen Scott* | St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph |
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt & Regina Shea | St. Margaret Parish, Otsego |
Dr. Joseph T. Sobota, M.D.* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
Mrs. Patricia Nulty Sobota* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
Carolyn K. Stacik* | St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph |
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffry & Adele Strutt | |
Leo & DeVon Swiat* | St. Martin of Tours Parish, Vicksburg |
Anthony & Laura Toweson* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |
David H. Tripp* | SS Cyril and Methodius Parish, Wayland |
Dr. Michelle T. Valella* | St. Philip Parish, Battle Creek |
David & Marianne Vogie* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Charles & Leslie Young* | St. Ann Parish, Augusta |
The Santo Zanetti Family* | St. Jerome Parish, Battle Creek |
Anonymous* | St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph |
Anonymous* | St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph & SS John & Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Anonymous* | SS John and Bernard Parish, Benton Harbor |
Anonymous* | St. Joseph Parish, St. Joseph |
Anonymous* | St. Joseph Parish, Battle Creek |
Anonymous* | St. Mary of the Assumption Parish, Three Oaks |
Anonymous* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
Anonymous* | St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Portage |
Anonymous* | St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo |