The 2024 diocesan marriage formation weekends for engaged couples are now open...The Joy-Filled Marriage process is a comprehensive marriage program rooted in virtues as well as the Theology of the Body. The program incorporates rich Catholic theology with sound psychology. More information, click here...
The annual Catholic Schools Week takes place January 28 through February 3, 2024. This year's theme is United in Faith and Community. Learn more about the 21 Catholic Schools in our diocese.
Love Beyond Words (El amor mas allá de las palabras) is an at-home one-week retreat for couples - to help celebrate National Marriage Week 2024. In English and Spanish. Find out more...
In light of the release of the report from the Michigan Attorney General’s office on the Diocese of Gaylord on January 8, 2024, Bishop Lohse released the following statement. “Before all else, I want to extend a word of compassion to all victims/survivors of sexual abuse, here in the Diocese of Kalamazoo and elsewhere. Sexual abuse is always wrong, and it is especially reprehensible when it is perpetrated by someone in the employment of the Church. We pray for all who have been affected by clergy sexual abuse and for their continued healing. “ Click to read full release
Pope Francis has appointed Bishop Emeritus Paul J. Bradley as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Steubenville (Ohio). Additionally, the Holy Father has named Bishop Jeffrey M. Monforton, Diocese of Steubenville, as an auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Detroit. The appointments were announced today by the Holy See in Rome.
Para las parejas que prefieran vivir un retiro de formación matrimonial virtual (en línea) - por razones de distancia y tiempo; favor de ver el siguiente enlace del programa que se ofrece en español - o bilingüe también...
We have all witnessed the devastation of the wildfires that have destroyed and ravaged Maui resulting in the tragic loss of life and displacing many people. We have received information from Bishop Larry Silva, Diocese of Honolulu, on how we can best assist our sisters and brothers in Hawaii.
Online parish certification course for clergy, family life directors, and parish marriage prep coordinators. The online certification training includes core content, bonus content and ongoing support from our Parish Support Team.
A priest and a married couple have been chosen as this year’s recipients of the Bishop Paul V. Donovan Founder’s Society Award for Outstanding Service. The distinguished honorees, Reverend Robert Flickinger and Deacon John and Mrs. Jane Bodway, have been chosen for their witness to tireless service in the name of Jesus and for reflecting a love for God through devotion to the Catholic Church and others. Recipients will be honored on July 9th, 2023, during the 11:30 a.m. Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo
The Most Rev. Paul J. Bradley has announced the following priest assignments for the Diocese of Kalamazoo. The appointments are effective July 5, 2023 unless otherwise noted.
Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Bishop Paul J. Bradley, 77, and appointed Msgr. Edward M. Lohse, 61, as the fifth Bishop for the Catholic Diocese of Kalamazoo. The resignation and appointment were announced today by the Holy See in Rome. Bishop-elect Lohse is currently the Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia for the Diocese of Erie. Ordination of the new Bishop has been scheduled for 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 25, 2023, at St. Augustine Cathedral, Kalamazoo.
La familia como “iglesia doméstica” es un lugar de encuentro con Cristo dentro de la comunidad de una familia cristiana en particular, un lugar donde cada miembro de la familia tiene un papel importante. En otras palabras, la “misión” de la familia en la tarea de la evangelización es ser lo que es llamada a ser, esto es, vivir al diario como familia cristiana, o, como lo dijo a menudo San Juan Pablo II, “¡Familias, sean lo que son!”
STATEMENT REGARDING THE FEAST OF ST. PATRICK, MARCH 17, 2023: Dear Clergy and Faithful of the Diocese of Kalamazoo, Out of pastoral consideration, I have decided to grant a general dispensation for our Diocese from the obligation to abstain from meat on Friday, March 17, 2023, the memorial of Saint Patrick. I quickly remind us all that no one needs to feel they must avail themselves of this dispensation. For those who do, I ask that you take on a different and particular act of Lenten discipline that day. Through the intercession of St. Patrick, may we continue, as he did, to recognize Christ present to us in all circumstances, guiding us along our Lenten journey. Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me. Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger, Christ in hearts of all that love me, Christ in mouth of friend and stranger. Assuring you of my daily prayers, and asking for your prayers for me as well, I remain Faithfully yours in Christ, Most Reverend Paul J. Bradley Bishop of Kalamazoo
In his 2023 Lenten Message Bishop Bradley encourages the Faithful to to take advantage of these 40 days to deepen your Faith, to find renewal in the Hope of Jesus’ Salvation for us and for all the world, and to be renewed in God’s Love for you and for all our sisters and brothers in Christ. Read his message in its entirety (in English and Spanish). Additional Lenten 2023 resources and events posted as well.